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公司创始人,总经理,邹正峰博士,2001年毕业于北京理工大学,获光学工程博士学位。2009年在北京开始创业。一直专注于软硬件及系统整体研发工作,在激光制造加工、图像视频、光电子方面的研究工作中积累了丰富的实际经验。先后取得了二十余项科研成果,项目取得了良好的社会和经济效益。    2018年,邹博士获江苏省常州市“龙城英才”项目资助,在江苏常州设立研发和生产公司,正式注册“Amphoton”品牌。2020年,入选江苏省”双创计划“,获得省级资助。公司产品包括高精度电容传感器,高速大电流半导体水母APP官方版下载驱动电源,全固态水母APP官方版下载控制主板,半导体水母APP官方版下载,多普勒激光测试仪等。

Amphoton, Inc. is focused on the design and manufacturing of photoelectron devices which are widely integrated in different equipment. For instance, Amphoton's laser diode drivers are installed in fiber laser or diode pumped solid state laser to pump the laser source. Amphoton's laser doppler velocimeter is reliable and accurate device to measure the velocity of target object, in steel rolling, paper making and textile industry. Speed measurement on high-speed trains; Aircraft engine speed measurement; Measurement of turret speed, turret Angle and turret calibration.
Most of people in our team are experienced specialist and senior engineer. They worked for many years in optoelectronics industry. We would be glad to be your partner and design some part for your equipment. Please contact us for additional information. Discussing about your application is also greatly welcome!